Saturday, July 12, 2008

Travel with Bill Murray

Traveling is always such an adventure. I was suppose to leave MT on July 6 to reach Philly for staging that started the afternoon of the 7th. Seems easy enough, but nooo. There was some mechanical problem with the engine, OK so maybe that is important. Anyway I arrived in Philly the evening of the 7th, just in time for the last 10 minutes of training. Everybody knows me know. "Oh yeah, your the girl that came late."
After much training, group activities and a lot of flip chart paper. We all loaded on to buses and were driven to New York City. We spent about 5 hours in the airport. I didn't really count, but it was a long time. We were waiting to get on the plane and Bill Murray walks down the terminal and get on our plane. I'm sure it is a sign! I'm just not sure what kind of sign it is. So after a lovely flight to Paris with Bill (were close now, ha.) We spend another 5 or so hours in the airport. The flight to Bamako, Mali was great. The sahara was visable out the window, that's a lot of sand. I have nothing profound to say, I'll blame jet lag and a lot of training sessions. The plane we were on had this cool camera feature so we could see the run way lights on our video screen as we landed. All 77 of the Peace Corps trainees burst into appause the instant we touched down. I think we were all a little excited to be I Africa, and maybe even more excited to be done traveling.
Now I am here at the Peace Corps training center in Bamako. We are three to a mud hut. Last night a few of us walked down to the river to look for hippos, no luck. It is hot, but not unbearable. We were woke up in the middle of the night by a lot of rain. It's a little loud on the metal roof. Gotta go back to class.


Me For President said...

Hope you said hi to Bill from all us little people. Sounds like your having fun so far, so cool! Will have to try snail mail and see how quick you get it. Have fun. Later, Rich

Heather said...

You're there! I've been waiting on pins and needles for an update. Did you really talk to Bill Murray? Did the mud hut look like the Fischer Towers after a good rain? (All drippy adn gothic-y?)
Thinking of You-

Unknown said...

Salut Susan!

I'm so glad you made it in time to catch the flight overseas! I was worried the bureacracy would do something nuts. It's still seems crazy to me you're in Africa! I hope it's incredible.

Just got home from another stint in KC and got your lovely letter and eye pillow. So nice, thank you. The eye pillow rocks!

Ok, hope you catch a hippo soon!

Je t'aime! Ciao!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you've arrived! One of my coworkers just got back from Bamako - he said it was a truly life changing experience. If it's a 3:1 ratio in the mud huts I'm sure it is!! :D

Keep us updated when you can!

Hugs, -S.

Aaron said...

Sus! I thought I lost you! I'm so thrilled, absolutely thrilled that you made it to Mali and are on your way to doin' the Corps thing.

I can't wait to come and visit you. I'm so happy for you and your dreams come-true.