Thursday, June 26, 2008


Everything is packed except this computer and my futon mattress which is now my bed. The storage unit is the best game of tetras I have ever played. Unpacking it is going to be a nightmare, but I'll worry about that in two years. After all of my waiting for a Peace Corps assignment the last month or so has flown by a little too fast. I apologize now to the people I didn't get to see. The going away party was amazing, and I'm still surprised that the cops didn't get called. Now there will be a few days of backpacking for one last dose of snow, mountains, and friends. Then off to Montana to see the family. I leave there on July 6 for 'staging' in Philadelphia. After I have been properly 'staged' all of us Peace Corps volunteers will leave for Bamako on the 9th. Yikes, I'm moving to Africa, Timbuktu, literally. I hope training is not as hard as I have heard it is. And I hope I learn all the French I was suppose to know before I left, and then some. Hopefully I'll be able to post a few stories here, and lots of pictures. I'm a better photographer than I am a writer.


Paul said...

Be careful out there! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Let us know if you need any supplies... got your subscription to Cosmo forwarded yet? -Paul/Mikki/Helen

ocdrunner said...
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ocdrunner said...

Happy travels, my friend. {{hug}} You've waited long for this - enjoy your journey! --Ruth

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh - I can't believe you're going already! All the best as you head off - I'll start getting some care packages ready. :) Lots of love, -Soph

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you. Hope your mountain camping trip with friends was good and you can take some of the cool mountain air with you to the Sahara. Let us all know what supplies you need/want.

Heather said...

I'm so stuffed with feelings of missing and excitement and awe for you! Looking forward to 'seeing' you on your blog. If you need anything mailed, let me know. Annabelle says "Meow." Hugs and love!

Unknown said...

Hey Crazy, good to hear you made it through the policies and procedures and rules. If you weren't so militant... Happy travels and let me know when I can come out for a visit. Ted

Me For President said...

Hey woman! Hope all is going well, you are going to have such a great experience. Hope we can manage to come see you. Have to wait and see. Who knows, I might even manage Baklava for Christmas, it should travel pretty well. Like others here, let us know if you need anything.
Later, Rich and Jason

Heather said...
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